News: Election 2020

C-PAC News

C-PAC will connect you to the latest information related to the 2020 elections.

Read the latest on voting deadlines, absentee/mail in ballots, and early or in-person voting

Find out more about voting during COVID-19

Washington, D.C. General Election 2020: Candidate Responses

Maryland 2020 Voting Reminders

Vote by Mail Reminders

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many voters are opting to vote by mail.  Please remember to:

  1. read the directions closely;
  2. ensure that your signature matches the one on your driver’s license;
  3. sign and date in every appropriate space, as directed;
  4. return your ballot by the deadline; and
  5. follow any and all other directions and requirements.

Voters may track the status of their mail-in ballot online in MarylandWashington, D.C., and Virginia.

Check back often as we gather information for you. You can also access the following resources:

  • DC Board of Elections: Information on where to register to vote, how to check if your registration is current, where to vote in person, how to vote absentee. Also learn about current elected officials and community outreach opportunities.
  • Maryland Board of Elections: Answers common questions about registering and voting, online access to absentee ballots, and candidate lists.
  • Virginia Board of Elections: Provides online access to registration, frequently asked questions about the process, election law information, and election results from 2005 to present.



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